New Growth Charts

Brooks J, Day SM, Shavelle RM, Strauss DJ (2011). Low weight, morbidity, and mortality in children with cerebral palsy: New clinical growth charts. Pediatrics, 128; e299; originally published online July 18, 2011 (DOI 10.1542/peds.2010-2801).

Below are the charts for height, weight, and BMI for boys and girls with cerebral palsy, stratified by GMFCS, with level 5 additionally divided into those requiring a feeding tube (TF) and those not (NT).

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Boys:    GMFCS 1    GMFCS 2    GMFCS 3    GMFCS 4    GMFCS 5 NT    GMFCS 5 TF

Girls:    GMFCS 1    GMFCS 2    GMFCS 3    GMFCS 4    GMFCS 5 NT    GMFCS 5 TF

The broad definitions of GMFCS (gross motor function classification system) levels 1 to 5 are:
  1. Walks without limitations
  2. Walks with limitations
  3. Walks using a hand-held mobility device
  4. Self-mobility with limitations, may use powered mobility
  5. Transported in a manual wheelchair
The study was based on the Expanded and Revised definitions for GMFCS, which contain age-specific criteria for each group.